Your maj! But I am a lowly peasent. Pooping on heads is only for
royal personages. Perhaps I should buy myself a title.
No, no , no, no!!! NO!! NO!!! This is not possible. My Majesty, My Most Highest, Royalest, Holiest(The Divine Right Of Queens, you know!),Majestiest Majesty does not, must not, will not consort with commoners, most especially not with peasants.
This situation must be rectified, at once! Thou cannst not buy thyself a real title, so...
I, Gathuku, My Most Highest, etc., etc., etc., do hereby confer upon thee
the Highest And Most Honoured Title of The Princess Royale
of the House Of Gathuku, The Amazon Queen, Ruler of the Universe, Light
Of The Nations, The Great Lioness of Judah and Empress of India and Several
Other Titles, As Well.
From this day forward shalt thou be known as HRH Boo Of The Frizzy Hair Who Is Empowered To Poop Upon The Head Of Any Who Would Dare To Disrespect Her Royal Personage. SQUAWK! SQUAWK!! SQUAWKK!!!
This is a title thou canst not purchase at any price, but is earned by great and meritorious service to My Majesty.
Now, go poop on their heads, Your Royal Highness! Thy liege Queen hath commanded it!
And thou hast misspelled 'peasant.'
(faints in the presence of your royal splendour)
(disappears to administer stern poopings and buy a dictionary)
Princess Boo of the Frizzie Hair,
We are much amused, Your Royal Highness.
And do thou go forth and poop.
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